Office Hours
Mondays - Fridays
9:00AM - 5:00PM
Admission Process
Class Hours: 09:00am to 2:20pm
Students may join Keiki Intercultural Preschool & Keiki Primary School at any time during the year, provided there is a place available.

Step 1:
Contact us to check availability
Please contact us at, by phone (+81 3703 8778), or fill out the contact form below to express your interest, check availability, and discuss your request further.
Step 2
We will arrange a school tour and interview with our Director. We offer school tours and interviews from Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 9:45 AM. We have a flexible scheduling process if you cannot attend at 9:45 AM. Please let us know your schedule and we will do our best to adjust the time of the school tour.
Step 3:
If you are interested to join, please fill out and submit the forms by email at
Keiki Preschool Application Form / Keiki Primary School Application Form
Keiki Health & Emergency Contact Form
Health Records fro 4 months before
Passport Scan or any other IDs (ex. birth certificate)
Copies of Report Cards from the previous school(s) - 2 years' worth
Confidential Recommendation Form (for Keiki Primary School Application only). This form must be filled out by the student’s current classroom teacher and sent directly to Keiki Primary School by email or by post in a sealed envelope.
Note: All information must be submitted in English
Step 4:
Interview (for Keiki Primary School Application only)
Once all documents are confirmed, we will arrange an interview date within one week with our Head Teacher.
The interview will take approximately 60 minutes. It is recommended that both parents/guardians attend the interview with the applicant.
The applicant will have a screening test that includes:
*Verbal interview
*Assessment of English proficiency and Math ability.
Step 5:
Notification of Admission
Results will be sent via email within approximately one week of the interview.
Successful applicants will receive an Acceptance Letter from Keiki followed by an invoice, indicating the amount and due date for the Registration fees. Registration fees are required to be paid in full and represent a one-time non-refundable amount required in order to secure your child's space at Keiki.
Step 6:
Orientation Day
We will schedule an Orientation Day for parents/guardians, student and her/his respective teacher before their first day of attendance. During the orientation, the teacher will explain the rules and regulations of the school, the schedule and important dates, and the program in which your child is enrolled.